If the celebrities andit-girls they use it so much, it will be because it works. Nope? Let us trust that thiscontouring It's the ultimate in makeup.
The fastest and cleanest contouring you will find
Don't think that hecontouring it can only be done based on pot and rare mixes on the face. Don't think that you are going to form the typical pot mask that can be seen from a league away and that you think "uff what a laziness".Contouring is just a makeup technique, the amount is up to you.
There are women who don't spend much time putting on makeup because they're always in a hurry and have "more important" things to do than spend 25 minutes in front of the mirror.
The contouring technique is simply combining dark and light tones to mark the features of our face. With this technique we manage to highlight the cheekbones or the nose and we manage to hide the areas that we least like on our face.
Step by Step!
1. Foundation
Apply your daily foundation to unify your face and leave everything the same tone. Once you are ready and you have given yourself a little color, the contouring too easy.
You can go to any store and buy a bar of contour. These sticks are one part highlighter and one part a shade darker than your face. Something like this:
It is normal that you are too lazy to buy the special contouring stick. Therefore, there is a more homemade technique that has the same effect. If you don't have this stick, apply sun powder with your finger in the areas where we would apply the darkest part of the stick.
Make a C-shape from above the eyebrow (on the forehead) to the bottom of the cheek. You don't have to do it excessively. Also put it on the eyelid under the eyebrow and surround the eye to the tip of the nose (as it appears in the image below marked asoutline).
After having marked all these features of your face with powder or with the dark part of your stick, start with the highlighter. Use any light-colored highlighter (even white or light pink) on the following parts: The edge of the nose and the central part of the forehead. Under the eyes, right in the area of dark circles. Don't forget to highlight your chin as indicated in the photo. Finish with a little blush on your cheekbones and you're all set.
We leave you an explanatory video very easy to follow!